Welcome to 2021…. A year where retail investors band together and stand up against big hedge funds. A year where a tweet from Elon Musk sends bitcoin soring by 20%. A year where the stocks market is still very detached from the economy. It is also the year where I managed to find some time to tidy up my portfolio tracking.
It has been awhile since I tracked my portfolio since there wasn't many significant portfolio actions. However, during the Covid 19 crisis, I manage to increase my portfolio holdings mainly by buying on the dip for STI ETF. Apart from that I have also diversified into global equity via Endowus with my SRS contribution.
With all these changes, I decided it was time to update the tracking of my portfolio. So with the help of Investment moat portfolio tracker and some data entry, the chart below shows my investment portfolio allocation as of Jan 2021.
at the allocation, I am heavily skewed towards Singapore equities. They consist
mostly of values stocks which I bought way back as well STI ETF which I
recently accumulated.
currently forms close to 10% of my portfolio. And no they are not Bitcoin. They
are mostly ALTs and some Ethereum (ETH). They used to form a much much lower
percentage of my portfolio due to the long "Crypto Winter" after
early 2018…… Thankfully, due to the recent price surges, it's percentage in my
portfolio has grown. I will be trying to keep them to within 5 to 10% of my portfolio
to managed the risk.
For Robo-Adviser, I am using Endowus with my SRS money and they are distributed among Cash Smart and Wealth Accumulation with 60% risk tolerances.
Moving forward, my aim is to focus on deploying my war chest to grow my global equity pie. This is to reduce location concentration risk of betting all my eggs in Singapore. Also, I aim to update and keep track of my portfolio more diligently moving forward.
Thanks for staying till the end and do support me at my Referral and Store Pages. Appreciate your support and Happy Value Investing!

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