we are here in Singapore complaining about going back to Phase 2 of Covid 19
restriction, let's remind ourselves to count our blessings that the only thing
we have to deal with is not being able to go out with more than 5 friends or
loved ones in one day. Unlike countries like India where they have to deal with
not seeing friends and loved ones forever…. It is very sad to see and hear on
news that India has yet again hit record number of Covid 19 cases and death.
Let's do our little bit to help
India with the crisis they are facing.
Singapore red cross is seeking donation on giving.sg to provide aid to India Covid 19 response. You can find our more here
For those that less able to help on the monetary side, you can also help via opening a browser tab with Tab for a cause who is also raising funds for care India.
and Happy Giving!

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